Book People

“Strange, that the mere identity of paper and ink should be so powerful. In truth, the original manuscript has always something which print itself must inevitably lose.
Our Bright Young Collectors series continues today with Joe Hiller of North Carolina, one of the winners of the
San Francisco — The Grabhorn Institute and Arion Press are thrilled to announce a $400,000, three-year gift from Denver philanthropist and book collector
Los Angeles — The Getty Research Institute has received the donation of the papers of David Redden, the longest serving auctioneer at the ven
The spring issue’s Editor’s Shelf recommends five new books about books, and I’m adding two to that list in this brief review of ne
Brooklyn, NY — We are delighted to announce the sixth annual Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize, a cash award of $1000 for an outstanding book collection built by a woman aged 30 or younger, any
Our Bright Young Collectors series continues today with Andrew Schafer, one of the winners of the 2021
Fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings may be excited to note the posting, over this past weekend, of previously unpublished images of J.R.R.
San Marino, CA — The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens announced that it has acquired the papers of Will Alexander (b.
Colorado Springs, CO — CABS-Minnesota has selected five awardees for the inaugural cohort of the Diverse Voices Fellowship program.