The Emerging Collector – A Series for Worthwhile Magazine - Session 1

Monday, May 16th, 2022

We are very pleased to invite the Worthwhile Magazine™ community to attend a three-part virtual series focusing on emerging collectors.  Join us for our special free programming featuring our regular contributor Spencer W Stuart. The series is comprised of three sessions, each planned at 45 minutes of content with 15 minutes for questions. Each session, upon registration, is accompanied by an article full of “tips and guidance” to help attendees consider these approaches through their own collections.

Mon, May 16th 7pm
Session 1 – Foundations: What I Wish I Knew
In session 1 we will review what experienced collectors wished they knew or wished that they did when they first started collecting.  Laying down a foundation of sound collecting management practices at the beginning of a collection is like providing a building with a sound foundation on which to build.

Mon, Jun 20th 7pm
Session 2 – Object Location:  Research & Acquisition
Finding the objects that you wish to collect, and acquiring intelligence on the objects that you wish to collect are closely related issues.  In this session we will first define the “routes to collectors”, that is where do you find what you are looking for.  We will then review the various intelligence sources that are available to collectors as they seek to understand the ins and outs of the collecting ecosystem they are entering, or engaged in.  Through this session, openness to all avenues of acquisition will be encouraged while guiding registrants through the unique dynamics that influence how value is determined at auction, through Dealers, or between collectors.

Mon, Jul 18th 7pm
Session 3 – Expanding Collections: What’s Possible
Using a number of collection evolution and transformation case studies we will examine where collections can go, and some of the maps and models that collectors can use to create structures around their collecting activities.  In this section we will also discuss the collecting end game by answering the question of where do collections go, or where can they go.

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The Emerging Collector – A Series for Worthwhile Magazine - Session 1