Sale #123
Auction of Old Prints, Manuscripts & Theology, Hunting (fishing - cynology), Fine Art, Bibliography & books, History of Culture & Customs, Children's & Youth books, Literature & Illustrated books up to the 19th Century, Literature and Illustrated Books 20th Century - Ancient Literature in Modern Editions, Natural Sciences & Technology, Geography - Travel - History, Autographs, Antiques, Photographs, and Graphics (Decorative Graphics, City Views, Maps, Old and Modern Artist Graphics).
Thu, May 12th 10am - 5pm
Fri, May 13th 10am - 5pm
Sat, May 14th 10am - 5pm
Peter Kiefer Book & Art Auction House
Steubenstr. 36
Pforzheim, Germany
48.889315718197, 8.6841752
Peter Kiefer Book & Art Auction House - Online Auction